Top Stories From The Edge – Week of July 9th

A Weekly Roundup of Stories We Found Interesting – From The Profound To The Profane


California Marijuana Shops Scramble To Refill Stash With Lab-tested Weed Under New Regulations
Dispensaries in California face a huge challenge: restocking. But with increased demand for compliance tests causing a bottleneck at labs, dispensaries that used to fill every inch of their display cases now fear a supply shortage.

Canada’s Legalization To Offer Pot By Mail, Better Banking
The Canadian cannabis industry is shaping up differently there than the way it was established in nine U.S. states that have similarly broad legalization. Age limits, government involvement in distribution and sales, and access to banking are some big discrepancies. And, yes, Canadians will be able to order cannabis online and have it delivered through the mail — something that’s illegal in the United States.

Democrats Still Haven’t Figured Out That Legal Weed Is A Winning Issue
Every Democratic U.S. senator rumored to be considering a 2020 presidential run supports marijuana legalization. So do 77% of Democratic voters. The party’s 2016 national platform backs states’ rights on cannabis and calls for a “reasoned pathway for future legalization.” So why is the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee — the entity charged with winning back control of the U.S. House — attacking a Republican congressman over his support for marijuana reform? And why is it citing a right-wing magazine to make the case?

The DEA’s List of Cannabis Slang Is Predictably Hilarious
A few of the terms, like “terpenes” and “MMJ” (short for medical marijuana), are not actually slang terms. Other names on the list, like “shoe,” appear to be completely made up. Worse, “Devil’s Lettuce” is italicized in the report, revealing that the relatively old term was only added in this year.

In California, Proposition 64 Didn’t Legalize Every Cannabis Crime, But Arrests Are Falling Fast
Overall, from 2016 to 2017, the number of people in California facing possible incarceration, hefty legal fees and criminal records as a result of cannabis crimes fell by nearly 8,000.

CBD Products Are Everywhere, but Is CBD Legal in the US? Not Exactly
Last year, CBD consumer sales in the US were over $350 million. Some projections indicate that by 2020 that figure will surpass $1 billion. The compound being advertised as a miracle cure for many conditions exists in a legal gray area.

Mike T

Mike T is a co-founder of simLeaf, a 3D cannabis grow app, and Spiderweb Studio, a technology consulting company. He was a Vice President at Penthouse Magazine for over a decade. When asked for a quote he replied with a smile: "I love my Islanders, and Brooklyn micro brews."