SimLeaf’s interview with Chef Anna & AP: Learn to grow the fun way!

Chef Anna and AP are experts in helping beginners learn how to grow cannabis and they’re having a lot of fun in the process. Over the last year, the amazing duo have developed 2 successful Instagram accounts at @apwiththepot and @chefannawiththepot, where they track their progress on home grows, offering tips for novice growers along the way. They’ve developed their Instagram account into a full business where they sell grow guides and other products.

Recently, we caught up with them and had the opportunity to learn a little bit about home grows, their business, and how they are developing their business on Instagram.

Here are the highlights of our interview:

How did you get started in growing?

We actually started our first plant in a mop bucket. It was the only thing on hand. We drilled holes in it, found some seeds on the internet and an inexpensive light, and started small. Many novice growers get started because they are tired of reserving a couple of hundreds of dollars from their paycheck each month to buy weed.

You have a unique persona on Instagram, what is the story behind the shades?

Chef Anna responds: Yeah, wearing snow goggles online has become our trademark. I wanted to look cool and create an avatar type of look, patterned after one of my favorites, Michael Jackson. It’s fun and low key.

Chef Anna

You seem to prefer auto-flowering strains. Are they easier for a beginner to grow?

Cannabis Ruderalis actually evolved in the North where there is less light. Auto-flowering strains grow based on their own life cycle; they flower based on age, not light. Especially in the beginning, it’s important to keep your variables as simple as possible. Auto-flowering strains can be grown stealthy, short and fast. They’re easy to manage. Growing cannabis is definitely a learning process, so we like to stick to what we know best.

Your Instagram grows all seem to use a soil medium – do you ever grow with hydroponically?

We have grown hydroponically, but not right now. There’s a product at Walmart called AeroGarden that works great for growing weed. If you want more tips, our book, “Grow Like Chef,” is available on Amazon. We also live stream step-by-step grow lessons on Instagram on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:00 pm Eastern, and on Saturdays at 6:30 pm Eastern. From seed to harvest, we’re trimming and watering with our subscribers throughout the week. We also make time for Q&A.

You really don’t need thousands of dollars to get started... It’s a lot easier than what you might think
chef anna

Chef Anna & AP, do you have any additional advice for beginners on how they can get started with their first grow?

Be as consistent as possible. Tend to your plants every single day; they need that type of constant attention. If you’re a bit scared to start. just do it. You’ll get better with each new grow. In terms of buying seeds online, we like Mephisto Genetics out of Europe. They have been our tried and true for three years now.

You’ve checked out SimLeaf… What do you think of the app?

We were blown away by how deep the app goes. Among other variables, it helps you measure the temperature and humidity level of your plants. Similar to taking care of a pet, the simLeaf app acts as your reminder to be consistent in taking care of your plants. If you’ve never grown before, it helps to ensure that you’re doing what needs to be done. It’s also great for people with some experience who want to take their grow skills to the next level.

Your Instagram accounts are really helping a lot of people and are so much fun. We appreciate it!! Any last words of advice?

For the last three and a half years, we’ve been helping people learn how to grow cannabis. In that time, we’re grown our Instagram following to 75,000 subscribers on one account and 15,000 on the other. Instagram is really king right now; they reward you for posting daily, so we do so.

All in all, our #1 objective has been to help make growing marijuana more acceptable. You really don’t need thousands of dollars to get started. You can start growing in one of your closets and have more weed than you can personally smoke. It’s a lot easier than what you might think and the money you’ll save buying weed is significant. plus, it’s fun and rewarding. You can check out the photoperiod strains to match the season and experiment with sativa and indica strains.

Thank you Chef Anna & AP for taking the time to do the interview and we look forward to watching you grow on Instagram!

To learn more about ChefAnna & AP check out their Instagram and Website:

Instagram accounts:


To find out more about simLeaf and how you can learn to grow cannabis right on your phone or tablet click the image below. Happy Growing!
